2014년 10월 27일 월요일


Christiania Paragraph
Christiania is free town in Copenhagen, Denmark. Around 1000 people live and work in Christiania. Christianian is anarchists. Christiania is one of Denmark’s most popular tourist attactions. This town is very special and controversial area. The free town began in 1971, wanted to freedom people and hippies immigrated into abandoned military buildings, They created the free town. They made houses and buildings by themselves.

They pay rent to the community, and pay the Danish state for water and electricity. Also they have a special Christiania currency. Hash, cannabis and other soft drugs are freely use and sold on the street. No cars, no hard drugs, Not to take photos. People are riding by on their famous Christiania bikes. Christianian was engendered a lot of controversy with goverment for 40 years.  In  June 2011 Christiania finally making the free town legal.

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